I can’t believe that spring is in full motion, and before you know it the kids will be out of school, sunscreen will be on our bodies, and we’ll be sitting on the beach. Yeah.

The common theme that comes up so often in the people who I speak to, meaning friends, complete strangers, and family around me, is the discussion that has to do with What to do with their Homes? I frequently hear:
- My space just doesn’t work for me.
- We don’t have enough storage.
- Our kitchen is so Dated, those new show homes look so inviting!
- Our Home just doesn’t flow.
- We just need a larger home for our Family. That will solve our Problem.
- Our kids really need separate Bedrooms for our sanity.
- If only our Home could accommodate our needs.
Do you see a Theme Here?
Living in your home, or renting in your home is one of the biggest decisions that you will ever make! This should be taken seriously, but not too seriously. I’m here to say that there is help, in most cases there are always solutions. In some rare cases, there just isn’t.
Let’s go back to some of these Scenarios.
My Space doesn’t work for me.
I think of things like taking a look at how do you really use this space, how do you feel in this space? How do you want to feel in this space? Those are great places to start. This is just the beginning of this topic.
We don’t have enough storage.
There are times when storage is really an issue, and then there are True Times where as Humans we just acquire too much! I know I am very guilty of this, and I’m still working on this. Perhaps if we had less stuff, we would have just enough room for us to breath and live in our homes. Could it be a possibility?
My kitchen is so dated, those Show Homes look so inviting.
There’s a really good reason why those showrooms look so inviting. To Draw us in, and it works right? Whom ever did the design in the space has given you such an impression of what it would be like for you to see yourself in that space. Guess what? When you buy the home, the “fluff stuff” doesn’t come with the mortgage!
There are so many solutions for small kitchens and new ways to live, and entertain in your home!
Our Home Doesn’t flow.
Ok, I’ll admit here I am bias to colours flowing from room to room with no harsh changes in between. In some cases flow can mean a few other things. Flow in the sense of how your home feels, colors chosen, and really the style of your home working together for the common good for YOUR Home.
We just need a Larger Home for Our Family.
This really takes us to our storage issues. In a lot of cases, we just own too much. We haven’t been given the tools to truly go deeper to find out exactly why our home doesn’t work for us, what we really need, and the true reason for why we want a new home. I encourage you to think about these things. If you have any questions please let me know.
Our kids need separate Bedrooms for our sanity and theirs!
Now this is really up for discussion and really varies from family to family. Age, gender, possible health issues all have a play in this. I really used to think that just because we had the space, our kids should have their own bedrooms. In our case, our kids sharing a room has really formed a newer friendship, and I’ve had people tell me that they can see that in our Children. Those comments really mean a lot to me because it hasn’t been easy all the time for them to share, but we’re getting there. My Daughter asks me about every 3 months if she can have her own room and I simple say… “Not yet”. Being able to live, sleep, and get along with others, be respectful when others are sleeping is a tool that naturally takes time for kids to learn, and not just in their DNA. It certainly isn’t in a lot of us adults either? I hope you can relate to this.
If only our Home could accommodate our needs.
A lot of times we live in our homes for too long and we end up never really solving the problems that exist. Finding the solutions that could just be under our noses, or just around the corner and we didn’t even know it. In my business I preach for the most case to Use your available real estate. If it’s used properly, your home will treat you well.
If you have any Comments, or questions feel free to ask!