One thing I really enjoy is styling with beautiful things around my home. Oh and cleaning… but of course you knew that. I could spend hours upon hours doing so. Cleaning, styling, cleaning, and then styling some more… Every season I take it upon my self to change out different items on my mantel, kitchen counters, and so forth. I love the feeling of change, and that overall feeling of freshness. There’s no greater thing in my mind when it comes to my home. Sometimes, I admit it gets a little bit crazy, but my need to change things around goes deeper than just different items on a shelf. I think when we take on this activity, it allows us to take an honest look at the things that we own to make our homes beautiful.
I Ask myself. Do I love this item? Why is this vase on my counter or fireplace mantel? If I don’t love it, then I don’t put it out. I usually either sell the item, donate it or I ask a friend if they have a need for it.
I really believe the things in our home should make us really happy, not make us feel like we are being swallowed by “things”. With life busy right now I am craving more things that I love and less things just “because”. Darryl and I have changed our life so drastically this past year. We are so grateful for everything for everything we have. If I have soooo much, then how do I show my gratefulness in a productive way?
It is my quest to live with less and more with the things I love. I am a neat freak naturally, but I still like to own things. My style is clean, calm, but still practical. I have been going through the garage, our closets, and drawers looking for all those things I have been holding on to “just in case I might start loving them items” You know this type of item. I bet you have tons of them in your home. I know I’m still working through this process, and it is so freeing. Give it a try sometime. You’ll be on a high, I guarantee it!
So that’s one of the things I have been working on lately in my brain. The Less is more approach. I’ve always thought that, but I feel it so much more right now.
Love the things in your home. Hint: It’s okay….
Victoria @ Edin's House says
This is soooo what I need to do, Jodi!! The problem is that because we’re in the middle of renovations, everything we own is either packed in boxes in the attic (and I DRED the day that we’ll pull those boxes down and go through them!!) or they’re scattered around the house. I get stressed just going into my dining room with a jammed-full cabinet (that belongs in the family room downstairs – part of the reno), tools piled in one corner and paint cans in another. Argh!! After a week of work I’m too tired to want to do much about it on the weekend. Sob story, I know. I feel stymied with the fact that much of this stuff doesn’t yet have a home… but there are some things I can go through and purge. So maybe I just need to get to it!! Wish me luck that – this weekend – I can make a wee bit of headway!! 🙂
Jodi says
Oh, I know your situation so well. We have done major renos for 6 years now, and the house sure does get turned upside down. Hang in there. In the end when some of your rooms are complete it will get back to normal. One room at a time. Then it will be all beautiful.
Good luck.
carol@thedesignpages says
We made a big move from Ontario to BC and downsized from a VERY large house to a regular sized house. As a result we purged till the moving truck showed up. It was so cathartic.
barbara@hodge:podge says
Yes, I am with you! After moving so many times, I have purged like crazy. Sometimes regretting a few things I have given away. Just last night my kids reminded me how I gave away their Light Brite and Easy Bake Oven {like they need it now?} and are still upset! But for the most part, it feels wonderful to get rid of “stuff” and organize.
Stew Charlebois says
A few years back, my wife and I moved to Victoria , knowing that we would be moving again in 6 months time so I could finish school. We brought only what we knew we would need, and we packed the rest. Funny thing is, a year later, we couldn’t even remember half of what we had put in storage, and were living quite well without it. If you haven’t used it, and don’t miss it, it makes getting rid of it so much easier.
Jodi says
Ahh.. well said. Isn’t that the truth.