Well spring is officially here and I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!! I’m sure I can speak for all of you (especially here on the west coast) that you also are very excited when this past weekend arrived. Spring officially arrived on Sunday and I tell you this past weekend was the warmest we have experienced since…. I can’t remember… I love it!
All the warm weather has got me stirred up to start on my spring mantel. I never really got to doing my “winter mantel” since putting away the Christmas stuff. Oh well… who really cares about my mantel except for myself?
So the jumping off point for my mantel is an antique window that I have had forever. I turned it on its side and it looks quite wonderful above the fireplace. I’ll show you some pics in a few days when Darryl has a chance to take some photos. As I stated on my Facebook page today. Is it wrong to go out and buy some daffodils when I have plenty growing happily, but not quite ready in my back yard? Not sure on that yet. I may cave yet. What do you think?
Till then here are some mantels that I really like. The best kept secret? Keep it simple.

Here Layla used white dished, and simple greens. Can you believe some of them are fake? You would never know. Well done to her! I love its simplicity…
Even if you have a smaller mantel doesn’t mean that you can’t do something spectacular! I love the height she added with the flowers and the round mirror just pulls it all together. Well done Michelle!
This is a great video on decorating your spring mantel. The video gives some great, easy tips to get that great spring look. It’s only a few minutes long, so worth your time. I still need to figure out how to add video to my site, until then this link will have to do. Enjoy!
Happy Manteling! Is that a word? I’ll show you my mantel in a few days…
Oh happy days. Spring has sprung! Love those mantels and look forward to getting a peak at yours.