A few weeks ago I met with a new client as she was about to embark on a partial Kitchen Renovation. It was in the plans to do a complete paint job on the whole house, and at the same time they really wanted to replace the laminate counters in the kitchen.
Here’s a before shot of her Kitchen.
The photos are a bit dark, but in actual their floors are light birch, and the cabinets also in the same yellow birch colour. This kitchen is 10 years old so at that time in 2003 it was quite common to see birch flooring and cabinets installed together. Even still today this combo provides a really super sleek modern look if pulled off correctly.
This shot gives you a better idea of the actual colour of the cabinets.
It was their desire to paint over the dark grey/green/brown paint that their kitchen was painted in, and freshen it up with a lighter colour. They also really wanted to put down granite on the existing cabinets as an upgrade. The wife really wanted the feeling of lightness, so paint is naturally one thing that will provide lightness for you.
Their backsplash would need to be removed if they want to paint the walls because if we left the backsplash up, changed the counters to a stone, we’d be left with this random tile in the whole scheme that doesn’t really relate to anything.
I came in to essentially help her choose the right paint for her room, and help her find the right stone to go with her Cabinets. Here are three things to think about in this kitchen in particular.
1. These cabinets are 10 years old, so adding brand new granite to them will not make them appear any newer. It’s a misconception to think that their kitchen has added value and bang power if we add granite. I advised that if we choose a simpler stone, their overall look of their kitchen would blend more seamlessly, and it would create a more high-end look without looking showy.
Another thing to consider in this kitchen are things like:
1. Do they plan on changing the flooring?
2. Changing out the door fronts of the whole kitchen, or painting the cabinets? Are we developing a design scheme purely around cabinets that she thinks are OK?
3. Do they plan on staying in this home for more than 5 years, or do they plan to sell? The design choices you make for your home directly in some way affect your future buyers conception of your home when they do their first walk through your house with their realtor.
This couple had decided that they did plan on staying in their home as they have a great corner lot that they adore so they are there to stay. They really wanted to add dark stone in place of their laminate, which was a great starting point.
These are my top TWO contenders for her space.

Adding any stone to your existing kitchen especially if it is 10 years old is something to pause a moment for. I’ve always seen renovations of any kind as an investment in your home, your future buyers home, and an investment in how your family works. Choosing the right stone for the existing cabinets is the key, and not to get swayed into thinking that what everyone else has is what’s best for you.
After meeting with my clients for a few hours they have decided to pause for a while till they are ready for put done the proper money that it will take to do this project right. They realized that once you start a reno you need to be committed 100% to the design otherwise you won’t be happy in the end. Developing a concrete plan is essential, knowing your colours, knowing your materials, how your lighting plays a role and so forth. I’m glad to se that this renovation has been put on hold, because I think this couple is really brave to say to themselves that what they thought was right, wasn’t right after all and stopping the process till they get the available budget that they need is really smart.
Part of my job is first helping you dream to decide what you really want, then helping to create the plan that will get you where you want to be, and that my friend is a renovation that will deserve to happen.