This Christmas Darryl and I have made the decision to have a “Gift-less Christmas”. Gift-less Christmas you say? How on earth is that possible? This year we have decided to give our kids the gift of a few nights away at a Hotel with swimming, eating and lounging in place of a bunch of gifts that will be long forgotten by February.
Here in Canada we have this tendency that just because we can buy something for someone and just because it’s Christmas means we need to shell out the cash for something that we all really don’t even need. Darryl and I have so much and we are continuously trying to portray to our kids that Gifts are not all that important. Instead it’s the service that we provide for our friends and family throughout the year to say to them that we love them instead of just saying it with a gift. Isn’t time a gift too?
If I could have a real Christmas list this year these 4 things would be on it.
1. My parents are travelling this year for Christmas, I wish they could be here with us.
2. It’s almost going to be 6 years since the birth and death of our son. I would rather have him under the tree than any old gift. (sorry that’s a bit of a downer, but real to us.)
3. I miss my Grandma and I haven’t seen her in over 9 years. I wish I could give her a hug.
4. I wish my kids would get along more and enjoy each others company in a new refreshed way.
Well that’s some of my list and I know more could be added to it! May the weeks leading into Christmas be filled with the things that are truly important to you.
Before I go I want to share a really great video you may find very insightful! I found it posted on Facebook and I knew instantly that I had to post it with my post today. It’s only a few minutes long so take a look at it if you so desire.
What would be on your Christmas list?
That sounds like a wonderful idea and I love the idea of gifting “experiences” rather than things. Especially for kids…our three talk far more about our trip to Oregon this summer than they would ever gush about any toys they’ve been given over the year. So sorry about your son, that must be a pain that never goes away. Thinking of you guys and I know that you’re going to have such a meaningful Christmas together as a family. Hugs 🙂
What a fabulous post. It sure takes courage- wishing you could have your wishes 🙂 Thanks again Jodi – may the new year bring on the blessings!
Great idea, we used to do that for the kids’ birthdays, instead of gifts we all went to Seattle, stayed a night or two and had such fun!
Jodi, I wished I had that photo of your boxwood wreath in your kitchen when I decided to write that post last night but no one seemed to be taking any photos so I thought maybe you were going to reveal it all on your blog (I should have asked).
Thanks again for a lovely party!
Oops what I missed saying was I loved this post, my assistants family is huge and they all donate towards World Vision and then the kids get to choose how many goats, etc. they will buy from the World Vision Catalog, I loved that idea!
Best Christmas gift guide post I’ve seen yet! Sharing it everywhere. How do we get so off track? We are doing similar in our family. LOVE that video- Chills! Thank You for setting an example of what Christmas is really about! I pray you have your best Christmas ever! xo
Hi Jodi, What a wonderful choice you are making to leave a legacy of authentic love in your children’s lives. I love people who choose thoughtful action over just acting as part of a herd. You wish list was heartfelt and real. Thank you for sharing and reminding us all of the true wealth in our lives.
So sorry to hear of your son’s passing. We too lost our foster son, he was just turning 18 and was killed in an accident. I know that hurt, and I grieve with you.
What a wonderful video to post. So many of our First Nations on Northern reserves have no clean water, they need to boil what ever water they have, people are under the impression it’s only in “Africa” where there is great need. We have 3rd world conditions right here in Canada. So sad that we all have so much and others have nothing. Thanks for the reminder to put the Real Christmas into perspective.
Great post Jodi! I admire you and Darryl in so many ways, this is one…your ability to see what is really important and put it into action. I agree, material possessions don’t make memories, experiences do. Thanks for your insight!