Intentional Design | Intentional Living
I strive to bring only intentional Design in all that the rooms that I am a part of. Intentional Design means one thing to me. It means that the decisions that are made for that space have to mean more than just a pretty space. I want my clients to strive for one thing for their home and that is to be very intentional about how they spend their money in their home, and the outcome of the room when it’s all said and done.
I had the opportunity to share with a Grade 2 class yesterday about what I do and why I love it so much. I was able to share with them this approach to design and explain it to them at a Grade 2 level. They were fascinated with all that I had to say and I so enjoyed my time with them there. One little girl even hugged my when I left. The other great opportunity is that I was able to read them a book. Their teacher Cori is trying to teach them that at any age, no matter what you do for a living, that everyone reads! Thank you Cori for letting me come into your class room and meet such wonderful kids. I know my Grade 2 daughter would have loved to be there with the other children.
An example that I shared with the children was the Library that Darryl and I built for our living room. We knew that we wanted a customized bookcase in this space to encourage more reading for ourselves, but little did we know how it would positively affect both of our children. The day the bookcase were all painted, my son and daughter got right in there the very first day blanket in hand and pillows propped up against the corner of the unit and took in all the amazing books they owns. While I knew that this would probably happen, it was so neat to see them enjoy the space so much. As you can see I still need to style the bookcases. That’s the fun part for me.
This is intentional Design in action. We didn’t just build this bookcase just to look good or to show off to the neighbours… I designed it because for one it really works well in the space, and second I knew how much it would be a positive attribute to our space.
So this is the challenge that I set out for you today. As you look around your home, where are the areas that you could use your home with more Intentionality? Be honest and open and I would love to hear comments you may have.
Intentional Design | Intentional Living.
I need to tackle built ins in our family room. It would make a world of difference!! I’m going to check out your post on those bookshelves right now!
Wow, it’s been over a month since I’ve peeked in to see what you guys are up to now. Bookcase looks awesome, I’d love to curl up
with Emily & Ben with some hot chocolate & read them a story. Keep up the good work!!!