I have had this empty frame sitting in my house for about 3 months now. When I say empty, I mean with out glass and all. I’m sure a little 3-year-old had nothing to do with the fact that it fell off the wall in a certain room in our house. Not that I am assuming anything… I’ll let you fill in the blanks. So here I have been left with this frame and I am too cheap to buy new glass for it. So What does one do with a large frame with no glass? I had no ideas until I realized that I should put a thin board behind the mat and give it a couple of coats of chalk board paint. This isn’t the most glamorous project by any means, but I feel inspired to share a song with you. Sorry about the night photo I took. I was on a roll and couldn’t wait to show you this song. Like a kid at Christmas… Darryl would not be impressed. But what Darryl doesn’t know, won’t hurt him. Can you keep a secret?
I took the time to write the song out on the frame, and I love it. This is a song By Sidewalk Prophets, that I hear all the time on Praise 106.5 a great radio station out of Washington. I just can’t get it out of my brain lately. My family is also probably tired of hearing my daily hums of this song. Just think about the words…. Now your asking me… What has this got to do with design? Well, not a lot or really anything. I created this blog to share what I am passionate about, and I am passionate about God. My life and passion for what I do for myself and others is because, and ONLY because of him.
“Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope. You’re going do great things I already know. God’s got his Hand on you so don’t live life in fear. Forgive and Forget, but don’t forget why you’re here. Take your time and Pray. “My encouraging words for today. Know who you are and do what you love in life. Do it well with all you have been given.
Enjoy listening to the song, and don’t worry it’s a short one weighing in at over 3 minutes. Well worth your time. Well, I guess I think so.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”370″ video_id=”thLdWPr32yY”]
Happy Wednesday…
Lovely message and love the re-vamped frame! I found a awesome frame at our gem of a thrift store and am going to add a chalkboard to it as well! Just need to buy a thin piece of board!
BTW: I also found a fantastic dresser at the same thrift shop, for 50%off, cost me $25! Now I am waiting for paint to dry which is taking it’s sweet time with this cold and damp weather we have been having!
IT’s sunny today, yah, for you!
That’s a great project Jodi!