This week has been quite the doozy. Our whole family got hit with a nasty stomach bug on the weekend and ever since Saturday the kids have been laying low and we’ve had more family time than normal which has been a blessing in disguise.
While Darryl and the kids were lying low this week I had a chance to get outside one day to do some yard cleaning. I’m embarrassed to say that we still have our Christmas Tree out back, so that will need to be dealt with pronto. While I was working in the yard its hard not to notice the little buds starting to take shape on the lilac bushes, the daffodils are on their way up and I can’t wait for spring.
Come on Spring,COME HERE QUICK will you?
A few weeks ago I finally got a chance to get the townhouse that we have been working on for some time photographed! One of my favourite things about styling a space for a shoot is the flowers. This is my opportunity to bring some great colour into the space, while taking a different spin on it each time. I get giddy each time I get to go to the florist.

I happen to stroll upon these Marble goblets and just had to bring them back to my office for this shoot. Aren’t they darling?

A family from our Church was selling these pussy willows as a fundraiser, so I thought that they would go really well in the space we were photographing. Fuzzy right?
I was asked to do up some small flower arrangements for some gifts for a Women’s event so naturally that’s right up my alley. The only kicker is that the budget was only $30 for SIX ARRANGEMENTS! So most of my budget I wanted to go directly into the flowers themselves so this is what I came up with.

I used small soup cans and filled them up with really bright flowers, I added greenery from my own yard like ivy (I had rooted some from my brother in laws wedding years ago you know the smaller stuff that florists use?) I snipped some twigs from lilac leaves starting and some of my hydrangea buds were starting to come up as well. I covered the tins with coordinating tissue paper and wrapped the cans with simple dark grey ribbon. All for under $30.

Dark Pinks, Light peaches, deep oranges, with touches of green make my heart sing. I just haven’t mastered the art of bringing the true colour of flowers into my photos, how about you?

I hope the spirits of the ladies were lifted from the brightness of the flowers, I know mine did for the short time while they lived in our home.
Can you smell these beauties?