Next weekend marks the date that most of us Design geeks get to go out and play! It's a chance to meet new vendors, chat with old ones, and take in all the beauty that is the weekend. Are you going? May be we'll see you there. …
You Can Never Have Enough Light In Your Home.
Hey Happy Back to school for all of the Moms and Dads out there! My littlest Guy who turns 5 tomorrow is starting Kindergarten this year and I am so excited for the great year I know he will have. Are there any others out there who have little ones starting Kindergarten like me? As I'm sitting …
Featured on Hodgepodge: So Eh Canadian?
Last Friday I was interviewed by the Lovely Barbara from Hodge Podge in her totally fantastic series, So Canadian Eh? Barbara and I met through her sister, and Barbara and I were Garden plot neighbours for a 2 whole seasons. We had been watering each others cucumbers for 4 months and didn't even …
A future Home Designer: My Daughter.
Our Daughter watches and listens intently when Darryl and I discuss Design in our home. After all, it is a highly discussed topic in our home after all. All this talk made her realize that she really needed to do up a drawing of our home. Side profile after all! I loved it so much I had to put …