The other night I hosted another Big Cook at my house. I believe I posted about a cook fest that was held last year at our house. At least 15 other people from our church get together at least 2 times a year to prepare over 40 meals and baking that are stored in a freezer at our Church office. Some of the people cook from home and some meet with us to cook together just like the other night. These delicious meals are then available if any needs in our community come up, or whatever the emergency may be.
When our Son died 6 years ago, we barely knew anyone from our church and all of a sudden a weeks worth of meals were dropped off at our house every day. I still remember each and every meal that we received and from whom it came from.
Food is a really practical way that we can help people, and love people at the same time. It’s practical, but yet really full of love. A basic need.
This brings me to my statement for you. “All Pretty and no Practicality?” Do you agree? Just like a basic meal that is practical and pretty, do you think that design should be equally practical or all pretty?
While we were cooking one of my friends was about to grab a plate from our plate rack that Darryl built for our kitchen. She hesitated, and had to ask “Are these to use?” I found it funny that she had to ask, but I reassured her that of course they were there to use. I truly believe that my home should be a place of “Pretty” , but at the same time be very Practical.
What do you have in your home that is pretty, but Practical?
I love this Jodi!! The gesture of food is a very good one, makes me think I should do it more. This also tells me I should bring out the good dishes more too.
I totally believe in using what you have – this, to me, is how your house becomes a home. It’s in these gestures that memories begin to form. I’d rather remember using something and enjoying it than remember it for all the dusting I had to do that collected on it! And I couldn’t agree more – the gesture of food is very powerful…